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America's First FCU
Mobile Banking App

Free - On the App Store


America's First FCU
Mobile Banking App

Free - On the App Store

    How do I make a transaction?

    When making a transaction with your chip-enhanced card, it’s important to leave the card in the terminal until the transaction is complete. (If you remove the card too soon, the transaction will end and your purchase will not be processed.)

    1. Insert the chip portion of the card into the terminal with the chip facing up.
    2. Follow the prompts on the terminal screen.
    3. The terminal will display the purchase amount.
    4. When your transaction is complete, you will be prompted to remove your card.

    At restaurants, a portable terminal may be brought to your table. Remember, if a chip terminal is not available, you will still be able to make purchases by swiping your card and signing the receipt.